Frequently Asked Questions

You've got questions, we've got answers. Read the below FAQs, and if you still have questions please reach out to [email protected].

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What is ARC?

Cerulli’s Advisor Research Collaborative (ARC) is the largest financial advisor research network in the United States. For over 30 years, our advisor research has served as the foundation for Cerulli’s strategic intelligence on the U.S. wealth management marketplace. More than 2,000 financial advisors regularly participate in the Collaborative to benefit from shared insights and recommendations.

What are the benefits of joining ARC?

Your experience as an advisor provides the foundation for our strategic market intelligence. As a member of ARC, you benefit from exclusive research insights, digital rewards, and access to Cerulli's subject matter experts.

Who is eligible to participate?

Financial advisors as well as certain members of their practice, such as paraplanners or practice managers, are eligible to participate in ARC.

How frequent are surveys and how long do they take to complete?

Surveys take place annually and take 15 minutes to complete on average.

What types of questions will I be expected to answer?

Advisors can expect questions on a wide range of topics related to their practice, such as their product use, portfolio construction process, technology tools, and business development strategies.

Will my survey responses remain confidential?

Yes, survey responses are confidential and anonymous, and data is only ever published in aggregate.

Do others from my organization need to participate?

Other members of your practice are welcome to participate in ARC if they would like to, but there is no requirement in the advisor survey for any additional members of your organization to participate.

If the answers that I submit change, I can resubmit?

You cannot change your survey responses or retake a survey after your responses are submitted.

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